Sunday, August 17, 2014

How Safe Is Herbal Medicine?

"All herbs are safe; it is okay that I am on medicine from my doctor and still take these supplements."

These are statements that one may hear if they question the safety of herbs or herbal therapy. However, all herbs and herbal therapies may not be completely safe for everyone. So, before someone delves into those theories, perhaps it is best to understand what herbal medicine is.

So, What Is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal medicine is not just going to the pantry and shaking out some oregano and declaring you cured. Actually, it is based on ancient forms of healing. Our ancestors used what was found out in nature to heal and to prevent ailments. Native Americans truly believed and still believe that all we need in life, Mother Earth will provide; meaning, there is no need to take synthetic pills to cure. However, it is interesting that some synthetic drugs have been based on aspects of nature.

Herbal Examples

Not all herbs are created equally. Some herbs are not for human consumption. At least not the way they are presented in nature. Perhaps some of these have hidden properties, but they have not been discovered yet. It may be that they are only to be combined with certain properties to make them safe. That is one of the funny things about nature; you must never underestimate it and the powers that have yet to be uncovered. Some herbs are merely for spicing up that stew or to make your house smell better. However, some may truly have medicinal properties. A few examples of these herbs would be:

Garlic - Garlic has been used in many Italian dishes, but it has shown to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.

Peppermint - Not only useful as a breath freshener but it also helps reduce nausea and flatulence.

Ginger root - Also helps with nausea, especially during morning sickness

Oats & Oat Straw - These wonder herbs are full of calcium and magnesium so they help relieve anxiety, restlessness, and irritated skin

Safety Concerns

Once upon a time, there was a thought that it was time to come up with standards for practical medicine and drugs. This was instilled to protect the general public from fraudulent drugs and doctors and hopefully protect them from further illness or even worse, death. It was not uncommon for a traveling "doctor" to come rolling into town with the new elixir that would cure everything from baldness to the intestinal disorder. However, many were later found to be nothing more than watered-down whiskey or a combination of herbs and extracts. These standards are met during the production of modern medical medicines, but are different when it comes to herbal medicines.

The standardization of dosage and purity is not mandated in the United States. It is remarkable that products made with herbs to the same specifications may still be different because of the result of biochemical variations in the plant. Plants have chemical defense mechanisms against predators that may have lethal effects in humans. A couple of examples would be poison hemlock and nightshade; this is why these herbs are not available on the market. A couple of other cases of negative herb use include liver failure due to black cohosh and chronic licorice ingestion, which has led to major potassium depletion.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Dentist Recommended Dental Care For Every Age

At each appointment your dentist will review the steps to proper dental health. If you wish to keep your teeth in great shape for the rest of your life (and avoid dentures during your old age!), you'd better follow his advice!

Keeping Your Teeth Healthy

Brush your teeth at least twice a day - Using fluoride toothpaste and a toothbrush which has been replaced within the past three to four months. It's best to replace your toothbrush at least three or four times a year since a worn toothbrush with frayed bristles fails to clean your teeth as thoroughly as a new brush with strong bristles.

Use dental floss to clean between your teeth - Floss or an interdental cleaner will remove any plaque left between your teeth and at the gum line. The bacteria left after brushing can cause plaque and gingivitis which may lead to periodontal gum disease.

Eat a well-rounded diet - Eating a diet rich in fresh foods, nutrient packed meals and a few healthy snacks will also help keep your teeth strong. The sugar in junk food is one of the worst enemies to your teeth, so limit your consumption of sugary snacks and desserts.

Schedule a dental appointment every six months - Keeping up with your dental appointments will ensure that your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and screened for cavities or other problems on a regular basis. Find a dentist that you like and will trust with your dental health for a long time! In addition to checking your teeth, he'll be able to recommend toothpastes and fluoride rinses that will best clean your teeth, gums and the rest of your mouth.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cycling Workout An Alternative To Running

Cycling workout is a great alternative aerobic exercise. It builds up muscles in different parts of the body such as arms, chest, thighs, legs and importantly your heart with less effort in injuring any of your joints. To gain effectiveness of this workout, you must learn different activities to perform.

Keep in mind we are not aiming to race in this activity. Control your speed at the start of the routine when doing your cycling workout. Going above the speed required at the beginning will make your heart pump more blood into your system because of lack in oxygen and that may cause rise in blood pressure. Rise in blood pressure is dangerous if not properly controlled.

Perform moderate speed from 10 km to 15 km for 30 minutes. Your heart needs to recognize that your body is in workout and at the required start-up speed it will provide necessary oxygen to your body without stressing your heart. You can proceed to different speed phase once you completed performing the start-up speed in the given timeframe.

It's fun and enjoyable if you can perform 1 to 2 hours cycling. Your body will feel the effectiveness of the workout depending on the time you spend doing the activity. To focus building up your thigh and leg muscles find an uphill path, if you want to focus building up your wrist and arm strength go for curve routes and if you want to strengthen your hearth more, find a long route and do your best in speeding.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Detoxification: A Natural Body Process

How do I achieve...
  • improved energy?
  • improved mood?
  • clearer skin?
  • regular bowel movements?
  • improved digestion?
  • weight loss?
  • increased concentration and clarity?
  • stronger immune system?
These are some of the benefits of cleansing, or detoxing, the body. There is much information out there about detox. You can spend a chunk of your paycheck buying the latest detoxification kit, and the specialty foods and drinks that you need to consume while you are on that expensive detox. My advice...Save Your Money!

Actually, cleansing is an action that occurs regularly and naturally in the body. Generally the body will cleanse itself sufficiently. The problem is our repeated exposure to environmental toxins, chemicals and processed foods will often interfere with our body's regular cleansing function. When that happens, your body may need some assistance. The key to keeping the body clean and healthy is prevention - you must establish a healthy lifestyle that, as much as possible, limits your exposure to toxins.

Your liver and your colon are your body's major detoxification organs, responsible for helping your body to process waste and toxins while metabolizing nutrients. Most everyone should cleanse or detoxify their liver and the rest the body from time to time. How you approach this is up to you.

So, where should you start when it comes to cleansing your body? Body cleansing is both a short-term and a long-term process. In the short term, try periodically implementing a healthy detox program such as a fresh juice fast, smoothie fast, raw food diet, or liver cleansing diet to help flush toxins that have accumulated in the body. Long term, you can make changes in your daily habits and lifestyle. This can occur gradually over time. You can choose to change a few habits each month, or each year. These changes could include more positive thinking, eliminating sodas, getting more exercise, or eating more vegetables and fresh fruit.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Understanding Drug and Alcohol Abuse Treatment

Undertaking drug and alcohol abuse treatment can seem scary but can mark the beginning a new, healthier life. It is important to understand what to expect from the treatment you will receive so you can get the most out of the procedure.

The first step in drug and alcohol abuse treatment is you need to detox yourself or prepare for in-house detoxification. Most rehab centers today ask that you go through the detoxification process-the procedure where you rid your body the substances you are abusing-prior to entering a rehab program. However, if you feel uneasy about the detoxification process, you may wish to pay for a center that will help you through the withdrawal process because it is one of the scariest aspects of a treatment program. If you do decide to detox on your own, be sure to consult with a doctor so you do not do more harm to your body.

Next, you will be educated on how the substance you currently are abusing affects your body and mind. You will need to start looking at your life and your addiction in an honest light-one of the first steps in the recovery process. You will learn about the nature of addiction and how you can break out of the cycle and live a clean, sober lifestyle. This step is particularly important because it gives you the knowledge and tools to overcome an extremely difficult situation. The more you understand your condition and the repercussions of continuing this lifestyle, the more likely you will be to learn how to overcome your addiction and get the most out of your drug and alcohol abuse treatment.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Healthcare System

Importance Of Technology In Healthcare System

Healthcare is a business today and like any other business the major motto is profit. But at the same time technological advances are required because until and unless the caregivers provide advanced technology and advanced result the patients will not trust them. In most of the countries healthcare is in private sector and the completion has only improved the standard. Use of technology is not only noticed in the use of advanced diagnostic and surgery machineries, but it is also noticed in the administrative system. People want things to be more professional and for that automated report generation, data maintenance, online registration and checking, and other facilities are enabled.

Different Sections Of Healthcare

Today, healthcare is not only limited to doctors and patients. Many new professions have developed in this industry and both the professional and the patients are taking advantage of them. Posts such as clinical assistant, nurse, nursing assistant, therapist, medicine supplier, administrative staff and many more have come in the existence. Each of them has enriched the industry in its own way. The education and qualification needed for each of them is different and people are earning a lot of money by getting involved in these jobs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Herbal Medicine - The Truth About the Himalayan Wonderfruit, the Goji Berry

If you've been in a health food store recently you've probably seen goji berries. They are little dried fruits similar in size to raisins that have a deep red color. With a slightly sweet and tangy taste, goji berries are a great addition to trail mix and can be found in a delicious juice form as well. They typically come from the Himalaya region and are touted for their immune system boosting capabilities. Of course, you can imagine that a food with these properties might have attracted the attention of some intrepid Chinese herbalist thousands of years ago. Well, you're right and goji berries are an important Chinese herbal remedy.

Goji berries, or wolfberries, are known as Gou Qi Zi in Chinese herbal medicine. They are categorized as being Blood Tonifiers and have a sweet taste but a neutral temperature. As a blood tonifier, gou qi zi is very important in preserving the health of an aging body and addressing issues that may come up as a result. This herb travels to the Kidneys, Liver and Lungs and its neutral temperature allows it to elicit change without causing too much strain on the digestive system. The kidneys and liver are two of the more important organ systems to enrich and supplement as the body gets older and the actions of this herb clearly address those organs. By enriching the kidneys, the gou qi zi can treat knee and low back ache, diabetes and impotence caused by a decrease in kidney energy. Its actions on the liver focus a great deal on the eyes. The bright red color of the berries indicates a high content of beta-carotene and other anti-oxidants such as zeaxanthin, both of which are major promoters of increased eye health and vision. The goji berries actions on the lungs is derived from its sweet taste since the berries can be effective at treating cough similar to how a sweet cough or honey drop can help alleviate an irritating dry cough. If I ever end up with a dry cough, I find that a couple of gou qi zi berries in my morning tea can help moisten and soothe my throat.